Virtual Reality Arcades vs. Free Roaming VR: What's the Difference?

Ever since VR came to life, people have discussed the many possibilities that this technology could offer. Especially in gaming, these new tech solutions have been dubbed as the future and many people were excited about them.

Home VR still hasn’t really taken off and instead, arcades have come back to life through VR gaming. A lot of people have tried out VR for the first time in arcades and this industry is growing steadily. On the other hand, free roaming VR is also starting to grow so let’s see what their differences are.

They Offer a Unique Experience

VR arcades got their name by the location where the game takes place. These VR systems are more or less the same as those that people can buy for their home with the single difference being that they are at an arcade and can only be played there.

With a free roaming VR, players can move freely wherever they want within a big open room and you can truly immerse yourself in the experience. This allows you and your friends to dive right into the game and feel like you’re sharing an adventure. Reading some of the exciting reviews from the recent users of MirageVR at Mississauga location, it sure is a mind boggling experience.  Click Here to Read Reviews on Google

The Movement Within the Games Is Different

Like with old-school arcade games, VR arcade games also adopt several similar principles. The games are fast-paced, and the player is limited to where they can move within the immersive digital reality. As arcades have little space, the players cannot move a lot in the real world.

On the other hand, free-roaming VR gives players the ability to walk around in the virtual reality environment just as they do in the real world. With a VR HMD and PC in a backpack, players can walk, run, and move around through the real world and see it all in virtual reality.

They Offer Different Types of Games

Just like regular PC games have a lot of different genres, so do VR games. When it comes to VR arcade games and free-roaming VR, there are noticeable differences already. As the name suggests, arcade VR has more arcade-like games that don’t require you to invest a lot of time in them and allow players to compete with each other.

On the other hand, free-roaming VR games can come in the form of open world adventures, RPGs, escape room games, and so on.

Both arcade and free-roaming VR have made their own industries and the two are starting to compete with each other to attract a wider audience. So far, arcade is leading, but free-roaming VR is slowly picking up the pace.

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